Curran & Connors is proud to extend our legacy of helping companies tell their stories to a new program to increase awareness around financial literacy in our country.
Here are the facts:
- Only a third of U.S. states require high school students to take a personal finance class in order to graduate. (Council for Economic Education)
- One in five 15-year-olds in the U.S. lacked basic financial literacy in 2017. (Program for International Student Assessment)
- From 2009 to 2015, Americans got worse at answering 4 of 5 basic financial literacy questions. (PFEEF)
- The U.S. adult financial literacy level, at 57%, is only slightly higher than that of Botswana, whose economy is 1,127% smaller. (S&P)
- Financially literate young adults stand a far greater chance of leading an abundant life of security from the start. Financial education is important for youth because it provides a powerful head-start in life. (National Financial Educators Council)
- 15-year-old American students who hold a bank account scored 40 points higher in financial literacy than students without one. (Consumer Financial Protection Service)
- Young people often learn about money informally through socialization, such as observing and listening to their caregivers, influential adults, and peers. (
- 18-22-year old’s who had some financial literacy training in high school had higher credit ratings than those who did not have training. (Montana State University study)

As creators of corporate annual and sustainability reports, Curran & Connors is well aware of the value that clear strategic and financial communications has in investment decisions made by institutional investors, hedge funds, retirement funds and Main Street investors alike.
We believe it is possible to put a dent in the financial literacy gap and improve the future opportunities of the next generation by sharing with them the secrets of sound investment fundamentals today—while they are kids. For this reason, we have created a program that blends our design skills with companies’ obligation to fulfill their corporate responsibility: Annual Reports for Kids—Opening Minds and Creating Future Opportunities.
Through our Annual Reports for Kids service, Curran & Connors will convert a company’s current annual report for shareholders into an educational report for kids which would live on a company’s sustainability or ESG page.
Annual report season is right around the corner—be one of the first to take part in this innovative idea. Contact us to learn more.